collectors justanothershoecollector

Collectors: Ron Totman

Tell us a bit about yourself
My name is Ron Totman, or ‘justanothershoecollector’ on social media, and I’m from Salt Lake City, Utah! I’m originally from Ventura, California, where I grew up near the beach and saw a lot of the SoCal skating and surfing scene as a kid, which influenced my shoe collecting and skateboarding habits. I’m nowhere near a ‘great’ skateboarder, but it’s always been one of my favorite things to do.


Favorite skate shoes brand? Model?
C1rca has always been my favorite brand; reliable, durable, and apt to endure any type of skateboarding or everyday activity that you may do. My favorite model from C1rca is the CX205, as well as the 205 Cracked –  Those things are invincible, and once they’re broken in a bit, they are by far the most comfortable shoe I’ve ever owned. I absolutely love the ankle velcro straps on the 205’s (And any other older model shoe), and I feel like the straight-lined ‘Thomas’ style font used on the 205’s is iconic.


When did you start collecting skate shoes? Why?
I didn’t truly start collecting skate shoes until around my senior year of high school. I had been skating through middle school, and had been seeing all the cool, techy styles of shoes that dudes were wearing, and to be honest, I was roped in by the aesthetics first as opposed to the shoe’s actual applicability in skating. Haha. I kind of repressed it through high school, like, “Nah, I don’t want to collect skate shoes. That’s weird, right? Right?” But eventually, I ended up with a pair of my friend’s 205’s that I had been eyeing for as long as I could remember, and I succumbed and kicked off my collecting hobby. And after spending way more money than I should, here I am!

How many sneakers do you have in your collection?
Oh man, more than I like to admit. Haha. If you exclude beaters and every day shoes, I probably have 100+ in my actual collection. Around 50 are with the OG boxes; the rest don’t have them.


Top 5 of the favorite shoes in your collection?
Absolute favorite shoe in my collection is the one that started the collecting habit in the first place.

1 – C1rca 205 Cracked (Black/Red) (Probably my favorite shoe of all time).

2 -C1rca JT204 (Black/Gum) signed by Jamie Thomas.

3 – Adio Bams (Black/Gum).

4 – éS PJ Ladd Boston Khaki Accel Plus.

5 – éS Arto (Grey/White).





A characteristic that a shoe should have for you to choose
1 – Cup-soles. Some vulcanized shoes are great, but for skating and collecting, I’m totally a cup-sole guy.
2 – Velcro ankle straps. I don’t really know why, but for some reason, if a shoe has the ankle strap, (ex. Circa 205, éS Accel Plus, Emerica Kirchart 4, Fallen Rivals, etc)  I just have to have it. Probably just an aesthetic thing. Or just a bias from liking the Circa 205 so much. Haha!
3 – Solid toecaps for durability.
4 -Puffier padded tongues


What is your favorite era of skate shoes?
Probably 2000-2007. Those seven years saw a little bit of everything, and so much experimentation was going on with skate shoes. All the new technology and innovation being used was wonderful, and there were so many killer signature shoes appearing in the market. We saw the far end of both spectrums, from the techy, iconic, bulky as hell Osiris D3 (2001) all the way to the simpler, less bulky shoes (which were still bulky) such as the Emerica Reynolds Slim (2007). Most of the market destroyers and timeless models in skateboarding appeared in that span of time. That was the prime of the ‘bulky skate shoeera, and all of the shoes that I love and have always wanted came into play in that time frame. The late 90’s had some legendary entrances too, and inspired a lot of what happened in the coming years, so every time frame has its place. 

But 2000-2007 was my favorite. 


Were there any skate shoes you loved and never could have?
I would absolutely kill for a pair of éS Muskas. So classic. I’ve also always wanted a pair of Emerica Kirchart 4’s, Reynolds 1’s, and Jamie Thomas’s signature shoe on Emerica from like, 1997

There’s a bunch of others i’d love to have, but thats what collecting is for! 


Top 5 of current skate shoes.

1 – Vans Gilbert Crockett Pro
2-  éS Accel Slim
3- Circa AL50
4 – Emerica Reynolds Low
5 – Lakai Manchester 





Top 5 skate shoes old skool.

1 – Circa CX205
2 – éS Accel Plus
3 – Fallen Rival
4 – éS Koston 1
5 – Duffs Barletta III





Anything you want to say?
There’s always room for another pair. Even if there isn’t.




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Collectors: Adrian Ponce

 Tell us a bit about yourself
Hi Patricio and everybody at
I’m a 37 years old Mexican guy but I live in Belgium since 2010 and engaged with skateboarding since 20+ years ago. Nowadays I am the main editor and cameraman of a local skateboarding website called and I’m also one of the creators and editors of the Instagram account @Chomponkicks

I do not skate much in the last years because different kind of injuries but my connection with skateboarding has been there always since day one in everything I do and everywhere I go.


Favorite skate shoes brand? Model?
I always have to go for éS when talking about this subject, because what éS represents and all what they do since they came out in 1995. We can’t deny they always have great skaters at their side and even had one of the best skate teams ever (Menikmati times). But, at the end is hard for me to choose just one between éS, etnies, Emerica, C1RCA, DC, Duffs, Osiris, Axion and few others because all them made some of my all time favorite shoes for sure and all what they do or did has been a big influence for me.


When did you start collecting skate shoes? Why?
If we talk strictly about collecting, I have to say just something about 3 years ago. But I’m a big fan of the look and functionality of skate shoes since my first contact with skateboarding. I used to own the first skate shop in my little hometown in México and I remember that every time I was able to get skate shoes for myself or my friends (because was really hard to get them) we could stare at them and talk about them for hours in the same way we talk about decks and videos and then go out to skate and destroy them without pain, feeling we were pro’s I guess lol No regrets, they were made to skate!

How many sneakers do you have in your collection?
To be honest I’m not sure but last time I was checking I counted about 50-60 boxes, I’m sure that’s not much compared with other collections I know exist but I also like to move few pairs, selling and trading when the time seems correct or I put an eye in the next pick up. Some pairs still in totally mint condition but I like to wear some of them occasionally, just some sad times I have to pay the price because they can crumble or unglue. Some of them are about 20 years old haha collectors have to be careful always.


Top 5 of the favorite shoes in your collection?
Hard question, I don’t want to let any one out but here we go, from my actual pairs:

In the top of the list I have to say any colourway of my OG etnies SAL 23… I also have some of the OG ones from éS but in my opinion the ones from etnies have a better shape, especially in the toecap area, these are more comfortable, for my taste at least.

The rest of them go without a specific importance range:
2 – éS Accel OG black/black 10th Anniversary (the box by itself and the matching deck are amazing too).
3 – éS Norton McCrank X Girl collaboration.
4 – éS Koston EK01, black/green/white.
5 – Duffs Kris Markovich, white.

This is just too difficult haha I like a lot of pairs and I constantly change what you can call “my favorite ones”.




A characteristic that a shoe should have for you to choose
I like wide and comfortable toecaps, decent puffy tongues and techy soles are always welcome. Cup soles all day; I rarely choose a vulcanized shoe. Vulcanized soles are good to chill some times but not to skate, for me. Air capsules are always “cool” and I like that feature too, but they don’t work with every design, so it’s not 100% necessary. I’m always interested and attracted to new technology, that’s for sure.


What is your favorite era of skate shoes?
I have to choose something like between 1997 and 2005 era. Some people now think they were “moon boots” but at least they used better materials and lasted longer compared with nowadays shoes. Also they had more technical aspects for our own protection and comfort. And we can’t forget the important fact of having a lot of different looks and options to choose from; now most of shoes look really the same, lack of personality and originality. Even the nowadays ‘pro-models’ look kind of the same and some pro-skaters just get a ‘colourway’ and not a personalized design, that’s lame, sad and boring in my opinion. Back in the day even the boxes were original.


Were there any skate shoes you loved and never could have?
I always wanted badly few pairs and kind of still, I the hope of getting some soon or late, you never know haha.
– For sure the white éS Aura with System O2 is on top of the list.
– Also what I believe was the 1st DC Rudy Johnson’s pro-model in white/gum sole, even difficult to find in google images apparently.
-I like a lot the Jason Lee’s Airwalk, never had the chance to get some of those, quite simple but very good-looking shoes.
Let’s leave it like this because the list can continue with few pairs from Axion footwear and even from Osiris, like the ODS.


Top 5 of current skate shoes.
1Etnies Marana.
2éS Swift.
3Etnies Scout (to chill).
4éS Accel OG.
5DC Kalis Lite (to chill).
I feel sad saying this but, I can not find too many “interesting” shoes out there right now than the ones I just mentioned above… looking forward for the drop of the new kicks by “ERA one Footwear”, we have to keep and eye on this company and speak with our wallets, not just with “likes” and “cool comments”. I wish them the best. Look for them on Instagram and facebook tho.





Top 5 skate shoes old skool.
1 – Circa CM902 (Navy)
2 – éS Muska (White)
3 – Osiris Tyrone Olson
4 – Lakai Carroll (Light Grey)
5 – Axion Kareem Campbell – Nutek (Navy)





Anything you want to say?
Thanks for the interview. Keep tuned at @Chomponkicks and cheers to all the #OGSSC crew!

Collectors: Sellingthewind

For this month’s Collectors Edition, we have the presence of Matt, aka Sellingthewind.

Enjoy it.


1. Tell us a bit about yourself
My name is Matt and I am from the US. My instagram is @sellingthewind and i am also part of @Chomponkicks and

2. Favorite skate shoes brand? Model?
My favorite brands are C1rca and éS footwear. My favorite model tends to change from week to week between the C1rca JT801 and the Circa Cx201.

3. When did you start collecting skate shoes? Why?
I have been hoarding skate shoes since i started skating in 98/99. I was young and was always excited about the next model or colorway. I never thought of it as collecting but I would have a closet with a bunch of shoes half skated or barely used with no box.

I blame Magazines and catalogs for my specific taste in shoes haha. There was a special way of how brands were advertising the shoes that caught my interest. I’m not sure whether it was the angles, lighting or skaters that made them look so damn good.  I Started to seriously collect skate shoes in 2013. (Found the tag #sk8shoewars and the great community that went with it).

4. How many sneakers do you have in your collection?
I have about 130 pairs in my collection. About 10 of which are newer and 20 arent that rare but are still older.

5. Top 5 of the favorite shoes in your collection?

1. C1rca CM503 – Red/white.
2. éS Muska – Tan.
3. C1rca CX201 – Navy.
4. C1rca JT801 – White.
5. C1rca MA402 – Tan/Black.



6. A characteristic that a shoe should have for you to choose
A tongue that has a good shape to compliment the design of the shoe.

7. What is your favorite era of skate shoes?
My favorite era of skate shoes was from 1998 to about 2005.

8. Were there any skate shoes you loved and never could have?
Yes, many, DC Dash, éS Quattro, Lakai Nyla, DC Kayron, DC Synapse, all white leather JT801 with icy clear soles (recently got some used, still looking for new) and blk/red leather Cm901
Many more.

9. Top 5 of current skate shoes

1. Etnies Marana.
2. éS Swift.
3. éS Accel OG.
4. éS SLB 97.
5. Supra Ellington.

10. Top 5 skate shoes old skool, the ones you used when you were a kid.

1. DC Williams – Grey/Yellow.
2. C1rca  CX201.
3. C1rca CX201R.
4. éS Koston.
5. Osiris Targa.



11. Anything you want to say?
The nostalgia of skate shoes from the past has gotten me to truly appreciate what I was able to wear as a kid.
Growing up, we weren’t incredibly wealthy and skateboard gear wasn’t cheap. Every Christmas and birthday seemed as if it would be the last that I would get a new board and some fresh kicks.
I would bring every Transworld, CCS, and Intensity Skates catalog to school and just flip to every shoe ad to see what dope models all the brands were coming out with.
My favorite moments were getting so hyped up on the teaser ads from the introduction of C1rca as a company.
When they finally showed the CM901, I lost my shit. That shoe got me thinking that I was finally going to be able to skate like Muska, or be able to walk on the moon.
It was wishful thinking when I put «muska shoes from ccs» on my christmas list that my parents would understand what that meant as well as spend $100 on shoes.
Some other shoes that I totally got hyped from magazine ads were, DC Stevie Williams, éS Koston 3, C1rca JT801.
Whether it was the angles or the lighting, they certainly knew how to develop my taste for shoes at a very young age.

Instagram: @sellingthewind
Skate Shoes BA
Facebook: @sk8shoesba

Collectors: Ben Brooks

For this month’s Collectors Edition, we have the presence of Ben Brooks, aka Peruvianboxfight.
Ben is also a passionate collector, he is the creator of ERAone Footwear, Australian company, which marks the return to design of the 90s / 2000 in skate shoes.
Soon on the site we will inform you more about this new company.
Without further detours, I leave you with this incredible interview with Ben.
Enjoy it.


1. Tell us a bit about yourself
My name is Ben Brooks, I live in Melbourne, Australia and I am a skate shoe collector and the founder of ERAone footwear.

2. Favorite skate shoes brand? Model?
éS footwear is my favourite brand by a mile. Favourite model is the Koston 1.

3. When did you start collecting skate shoes? Why?
I started collecting around 3 years ago. I had been collecting skateboards and happened to stumble across “chomp on kicks” on facebook. From there I joined Instagram and discovered #sk8shoewars and the rest is history. Up until that point I had no idea some these shoes still existed, I never really thought about it, but I guess I just assumed they were all trashed and ridden into the ground. I don’t know why I started collecting, I have always collected all sorts of things but I just really love this era of skate shoes and what they represent.

4. How many sneakers do you have in your collection?
Right now I have around 50 pairs, from all different companies.

5. Top 5 of the favorite shoes in your collection?
It’s hard to pick a top 5, this could change next week, but right now I’ll go with.
1. éS Koston 1 – Navy/Gum
2. Emerica MJ – Copper
3. éS McCrank 2 – White/Gum
4. Lakai Puig – Black/Gum
5. Lakai Vantage – Grey/White/Gum



6. A characteristic that a shoe should have for you to choose
It needs to obviously have a lot of padding around the collar and tongue area, and have a short toebox. Probably my biggest gripe with current shoes is the length of the toe box. And it needs to have some sort of style, another thing lacking in new shoes.

7. What is your favorite era of skate shoes?
For me things peaked from 96-04. There were some cool models either side of those years, but in that window is when all the best stuff was released.

8. Were there any skate shoes you loved and never could have?
I missed out on heaps of models as did most of us. You couldn’t buy them all but the model I wish I had but never did was the éS Muska. I’ve still never owned a pair and they are super rare to get your hands on these days, The guys who own them don’t want to let them go. A pair came up on ebay a while ago and sold for some obscene amount of money.

9. Top 5 of current skate shoes
This is a hard question for me as there’s not really anything around that I am into. I’ll pick 5, not because I would wear them but I like something about them.
1. éS Accel OG (not the slim)
2. éS SLB 97 (because it represent the OG)
3. DC Kalis lite (Slim but has style)
4. Emerica The Herman G6 (Long toe box but has a stylish side panel)
5. Osiris Protocol (The rubber cupsole not the vulc ones)

10. Top 5 skate shoes old skool, the ones you used when you were a kid.
1. Emerica MJ – Black/white.
2. éS SLB 97 – Olive/white.
3. Etnies Screw – Powder blue.
4. éS SAL 23 – Black/white.
5. Emerica Tilt – Black.



11. Anything you want to say?
Thanks to you mate for doing this and publishing on your site. I wish I could read the content on their, haha. And thanks to everyone who is supporting ERAone. I hope we can do everyone proud and produce some cool shoes.

Skate Shoes BA
Facebook: @sk8shoesba

Collectors: Ihrdunkelheit

Para esta tercera entrega de Collectors lo traemos a Jean, que como aclara en la nota, también es conocido por otros nombres.
Jean es uno de los pocos collectors que conozco que habla es español, de hecho es de Mexico. Fue el primero, o por lo menos que yo recuerde, en hacer reviews de zapatillas en youtube en español. Sus reviews abarcan diferentes tipos de zapatillas, entre las cuales se encuentran las de skate.
ihrdunkelheit nos cuenta un poco de él, y cuáles son sus zapatillas preferidas a la hora de patinar.
Si no lo conocen, es el mejor momento de ver sus videos, entrar en su cuenta de facebook, en donde a diario sube info sobre nuevos lanzamientos y demás. Si bien hay un claro predominio sobre los sneakers en general, siempre tira buena data sobre lo que más amamos nosotros, las zapatillas de skate.

Sin mas preambulos los dejo con la nota, espero que lo disfruten como lo disfrute yo. Agradecer al Jean, por todo lo que aporta a la cultura, por tomarse el tiempo en responder todo y por sobre todo por ayudarme a comenzar con sk8shoesba, algo que está creciendo a diario, y todo esto es gracias a ustedes, a los skaters y a todos lo que aportan desde su lado.




1.  Cuéntanos un poco sobre ti.
Mi nombre es Jean-Antoine también conocido como el Jean o ihrdunkelheit en mis redes sociales, tengo 42 años, soy amante del skate desde los 13, apasionado de la música y los tatuajes, (también soy tatuador desde hace unos 25 años) y mi mayor adicción son los sneakers que colecciono desde hace aproximadamente unos 20 años.
Tengo un canal de YouTube en el cual fuí el primero en hacer reviews en español, una fanpage en Facebook, instagram, etc, etc.

2. ¿Cuál es tu marca de zapatillas de skate favorita? ¿Modelo?
Sin duda Airwalk y los modelos 600F y el Airwalk Jim.

3. ¿Cuando comenzaste a coleccionar zapatillas de skate, porque?
En los 80’s fue cuando comencé a comprar marcas como AirwalkVision Street Wear y Air Jordan. Pero comencé a coleccionar sneakers a principios del 2000, en 2002 salió el primer Nike SB lo que me hizo comenzar a coleccionarlos por que soy un amante de los Dunks y los AF1.
Comencé a coleccionarlos por varias razones, la primera es que los primeros que salieron fueron Dunks, la segunda fue por mi amor al skate, la tercera por las colaboraciones, materiales y colorways tan extravagantes con los que inició la marca, además de que en aquellos años eran muy limitados y difíciles de conseguir y eso hacía que los deseáramos más.

4. Aproximadamente ¿cuantas zapatillas tienes en tu colección?
No lo se, he perdido la cuenta.

5. ¿Cuales son los Top 5 de tu colección?
Esa pregunta me la han hecho muchas veces y siempre sufro al momento de responder, la realidad es que todos mis pares los tengo porque en verdad me gustan, pero si tuviera que escoger podrían ser los siguientes:

1. Nike SB Dunk Low “What the dunk”
2. Nike SB Dunk Low “Reese Forbes”
3. Gourmet Nove 2 Camo
4. Rone Ninety
5. Airwalk Prototype
Si me hicieras esa pregunta mañana con seguridad te diría 5 diferentes, hahahahaha!!!

6. ¿Cómo surgió la idea de comenzar a hacer los reviews?¿Hace cuanto que lo haces?      
La idea surgió hace unos 8 años ya que todos los reviews que habían eran en ingles y me pareció que debería hacerlos en español ya que no todos en latinoamérica hablan inglés, en aquel entonces el movimiento sneaker apenas comenzaba en México, así que decidí hacerlos para ayudar a los que estaban empezando a tener el gusto por los sneakers y siempre me ha gustado a ayudar a todos los que recién comienzan.

7. Característica que si o si debe tener una zapatilla para que la elijas
Sin duda que me guste, a mi no me importa el hype, si el sneaker es feo no lo compro. En mi colección valoro los sneakers por la inspiración, los materiales, los colores y no por lo que puedan valer con el tiempo.

8. ¿Cual es tu época de zapatillas de skate favorita?
Los 80’s y principios de los 90’s, ahí fue donde comenzó todo.

9. ¿Hubo algún modelo de zapatillas que siempre te gusto y no pudiste tener?
Sin duda han sido varios, el primero fue un Dunk de Nike SB Dunk Low x Michael Lau y el otro es el Nike SB Dunk Low París, algún día los he de tener en mi colección.

10. Top 5 zapatillas de skate actual
1. Nike SB Blazer Mid
2. HUF Cromer
3. Vans Half Cab x Metallica
4. Vans Sk8 Hi
5. Rone Ninety

11.Top 5 zapatillas de skate old skool
1. Airwalk 600F
2. Vans Half Cab
3. Vision Street Wear High Top
4. Airwalk Rodrigo TX 2 – Black/Black
5. Nike Air Jordan 1

12. Algo que quieras agregar
Muchas gracias a la banda de sk8shoesba por el honor de pensar en mi para esta entrevista, un abrazo a todos por allá, portense chido!

Instagram: @ihrdunkelheit
Facebook: ihrdunkelheit
Youtube: ihrdunkelheit
Skate Shoes BA
Facebook: @sk8shoesba

Collectors: N_O_R_M

For the second release of Collectors, we have Norman, aka @n_o_r_m, another golden era skate shoes collector.
Norman is not one of those collectors, that owns a huge amount of skate shoes, he focuses on having those pairs that are important and significant for him.
Enjoy it.

Before I start, I would like to thank everyone, for the great success of the first Collectors release, I’m glad you enjoyed it, as much as I did.
This just starts, and there are collectors for awhile.
Enormously grateful to all those who were enthusiastic about the idea, and answered questions.


1. Tell us a bit about yourself
Just a skateboarder from Boise, Idaho that got into skating in the latter half of its golden era. I’ve since been obsessed with skate shoes, their design, and their function. I remember always taking CCS and Monster Skate catalogs to school and staring at every page any chance I could especially the shoe sections.

2. Favorite skate shoes brand? Model?
Growing up my favorite brands were éS, Emerica, DC, Genetic, and Globe. Always loved their technical designs with all the bells and whistles. Hard to pick just one brand or model but I really like what éS is doing right now with a lot of their heritage inspiring their current lines.

3. When did you start collecting skate shoes? Why?
I started collecting skate shoes in 2014. I was basically fed up with the skate shoes that were available at the time. I started thinking about a time when I’d go to a skateshop and couldn’t decide what shoe to get because I liked so many. At one point it became the exact opposite – I disliked all the shoes my local shops carried. I turned to Ebay just to browse and was amazed to see the shoes people all over the world had held onto. I started ordering online and skated in some of the pairs I bought. Then there were some I really liked and decided to keep either as a collectible or to wear casually.

4. How many sneakers do you have in your collection?
My collection is quite small at the moment, only about 15 shoes not including the shoes I skate in. I try to focus on having shoes that mean something significant to me rather than having stacks of random shoes.

5. Top 5 of the favorite shoes in your collection?
1. Globe GMOS 4 – Navy/White
2. éS Accel 20 – Black/Red
3. Emerica OG One – Black/Yellow
4. éS Saga – Black/White/Red
5. DC Williams – Grey/Navy



6. A characteristic that a shoe should have for you to choose
There are several things I look for in a shoe like heel support/cushioning, tongue stabilizers, padding in the tongue and collar, durable toecap, and of course I like the shoe to have a nice style too!

7. What is your favorite era of skate shoes?
My favorite era would be the early to mid 2000’s. At that time it seemed like shoes provided better support, protection, and durability.

8. Were there any skate shoes you loved and never could have?
Probably too many to name. One that stands out would be the DC Aerotech. I remember seeing the commercial all the time with Danny Way skating the DC ramp and you’d see text saying it was the most ventilated skate shoe ever and that it could breath through the outsole. I also remember really wanting the DC Reason, Etnies Vallely 2, and the Globe CT-V in all black. I also had a pair of the DVS Daewon 4 that I skated maybe once or twice before I outgrew them, so that might fall in this same category.

9. Top 5 of current skate shoes
1. Etnies Marana – Black/Grey/Gum
2. éS Accel OG – Black/Gum
3. Supra Ellington – Navy/White/Gum
4. éS Accel Slim – Black/Gum
5. Globe CT-IV Classic – Black/Black

10. Top 5 skate shoes old skool, the ones you used when you were a kid.
1. Emerica Reynolds – Black/Gum
2. Globe CT-IV – Navy/White
3. éS Rodrigo TX – Black/Black/White
4. éS Rodrigo TX 2 – Black/Black
5. DC Theory – Navy/White

11. Anything you want to say?
Thank you for letting me chime in. Looking forward to the direction skate shoes are heading in with so many brands remaking shoes and bringing more technical aspects to their lines. I’m optimistic for the future of skate shoes. Also looking very forward to what EraOne Footwear has in store.

Instagram: @n_o_r_m
Skate Shoes BA
Facebook: @sk8shoesba

Collectors: Darkslide86

We present the new section of sk8shoesba, called Collectors.
In recent years has increased the number of collectors of skate shoes worldwide.
Social networks, had a lot to do, skaters, shoe lovers, especially, began to share their collection and we started to know, share information, talk about sneakers, brands, things that we never imagined before.
People like Ben, Jean, Ron, Brian, Matt, Norm, Albert, Stefan, I do not want to forget any, share their passion and in this section we want to tell you a little more about them.
For the first Collectors, we have Stefan, from @darkslide86, a lover of the 90/00, the golden era of skate shoes;
I hope you enjoy.


1. Tell us a bit about yourself
Hi. my real name is Stefan Bernhard but most know me under the name «darkslide86«. I collect og skate shoes and sneakers in general and just simply love the skateboarding and shoe culture. 90ies to late 2000s was the golden era and i am still a sucker for that. one love.

2. Favorite skate shoes brand? Model?
That’s probably the hardest question you can ask any skate shoe collector… but imma go with the C1rca «CM901» Chad Muska pro model and the first Eric Koston «K1» on eS. Stash pocket.. visible air unit… a overall design you just haven’t seen till date. both were ahead of its time and brought a certain style to the game that is still untouchable. everything Muska and Koston touched during that time was pure gold.

3. When did you start collecting skate shoes? Why?
That’s hard to say i’ve been collecting sneakers for a while… i love jordan’s and all kind basketball shoes and always looked out for good skate shoes too. so you could say since i started getting my own money. cause before that my mum paid for koston’s and muskas haha but you know how it is.. i gave a lot of stuff away in certain phases of life, skated em to pieces or just threw stuff out… so i would say i put my main focus on rare og skate shoes again like 3 years ago, started getting in the collectors circle and met a lot of good peeps. thats a big plus. i love my skate shoe fam.
Why i collect? mmm, i guess out of love.

4. How many sneakers do you have in your collection?
Lot of people ask me that. to be honest i have no idea and stopped counting a while ago and it’s also a come and go… «don’t know, i just love shoes..» is usually my response :).

5. Top 5 of the favorite shoes in your collection?
1. C1rca CM901
2. C1rca CM902
3. éS Koston 1
4. éS SLB OG
5. DVS J.Dill


6. A characteristic that a shoe should have for you to choose
A fat tongue and a techy sole.

7. What is your favorite era of skate shoes?
Late 90ies to early 2000s, da golden era

8. Were there any skate shoes you loved and never could have?
Love that question. yeah a lot i guess.. first one that comes to my mind is the DC Stevie Williams

9. Top 5 of current skate shoes
1. éS Accel Slim
2. ERAONE Origin
3. Emerica B.Westgate or Herman G6
4. Adidas Busenitz Pro
5. Supra Ellington
6. DC Kalis Lite

10. Top 5 skate shoes old skool, the ones you used when you were a kid.
1. Emerica Reynolds 1 black
2. éS Koston blue/grey/blk
3. éS Sword white/yellow
4. C1rca CM902 red/silver
5. Vita N.Kaupas black

11. Anything you want to say?
Thank you for asking me to do this interview Patricio, it was fun!

Instagram: @darkslide86
Skate Shoes BA
Facebook: @sk8shoesba